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Plant growth regulator




Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is a plant growth retardant and triazole fungicide. It is a known antagonist of the plant hormone gibberellin. It acts by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis, reducing internodial growth to give stouter stems, increasing root growth, causing early fruitset and increasing seedset in plants such as tomato and pepper. PBZ has also been shown to reduce frost sensitivity in plants. Moreover, paclobutrazol can be used as a chemical approach for reducing the risk of lodging in cereal crops.

Paclobutrazo, inhibit gibberellin biosynthesis,shorten stalks of crops, then lodging-resistance Mainly used on mango, low cost but high effect.

Paclobutrazol is a plant growth retardant. It acts by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis, reducing internodial growth to give stouter stems, increasing root growth, causing early fruitset and increasing seedset in plants such as tomato and pepper. Paclobutrazol has also been shown to reduce frostsensitivity in plants.


Physical and Chemical Properties:

Appearance: White-like crystal

Empirical Formula: C15H20ClNO3 

Molecular Weight: 293.8

Solubility: Soluble in ethyl ether, chloroform, methylene chloride and hot benzene, soluble in ethanol and cold, almost benzene 

Note: Insoluble in water.



Shorten stalks of crops, then lodging-resistance

Inhibits the stem growth and breaks the apical dominance(inhibit the generation of Gibberellic acid);

Inhibits the intermode elongation, resists to lodging;

Improves the abilities of stress tolerance

Promotes the lateral bud growth

Enhances or inhibits the photosynthesis, depends on the concentration

Improves the respiration intensity of root, slows down the respiration of aboveground parts of crops.

Use sites: Wheat / Paddy / Orange / Rape / Apple tree / Grape / Peach tree / Cherry tree / Lychee / Chestnut / Water melon / Tomato / Eggplant / Potatoes / Radish / Peanuts / Soybeans / flowers




Technical: 98% TC

Indole-3-acetic acid GA3-cas-77-06-5



CAS Number: 76738-62-0



Triacontanol plant hormone instructions


More information:

  • CAS Number: 76738-62-0

  • Formula: C15H20ClNO3
